Hello Java World


I think This is my 1st post on something related to java… Its not that I hated the language before, but I used rather C++ /.NET and PHP for my earlier work. With my Internship, it would be correct if i say that I said Hello World to the actual Java environment. Its true for my collage Assignments, that I have done some java work, but well it cannot be counted… Anyhow Its been almost 2 months, I am having hands on experience on Java programming or rather more in J2ME and j2EE.

With all the APIs and the systematic documentations of those APIs.. and also with plenty of online help..I must say my life was so easy past few weeks.

As a part of my work package I had to develop a tracking system based on GPS positioning. My self and two more guys work on the project and we developed a server and a mobile client for this task. (this is a small part of a European union project called s3ms). What I thought of writing here today… is about the nice Framework we used, to handle the database.


Well it’s not something new, its been used in almost all the java projects carried out in my company… Hibernate is an Object to relational Mapping (ORM) system for java. Hibernate provides a framework which maps the object oriented model to a relational database. Some of the main benefits by using Hibernate is that it makes the application portable on any SQL database.

Hibernate keeps the details of the database in its configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml and by editing few fields in this xml file, makes it possible to transport the application from one database to another. Hibernate mapping is done via xml files which is named name.hbm.xml and in these files the mapping of Java data types to SQL data types are done. you can define the relationships of the tables also in these files using relationship tags. (<many-to-one>) .

I have found a good tutorial on Hibernate in Gary’s Blog.. if you are interested more, those tutorials will be a great help. I should also note that Hibernate provides tools (Hibernate tools) for Eclipse IDE as plugins to generate Java Classes and xml mapping files looking at the database tables.

The founders of Hibernate is also providing a similar framework which is very much the same in practice. Its called NHibernate and used in the .NET platform for database handling. Both the Frameworks are Licensed GPL and LGPL respectively.

So for the people who are like me who were doing the database handling in the usual and the traditional way… Hibernate will surely make your work much easer…

Vuze (Azureus 3.0) – Next Gen P2P Application

azureus.png“Next generation P2P Application”, Thats what they say about Azureus 3.0 Well I know this is not so news, But I happened to discover this very recently due to few reasons.. I was not a major Azureus Fan after all.. I was using utorrent for all my p2p downloads.. for many reasons I loved uTorrent.. for its light lightnes, the fancy progress charts, Statistic GUIs and the user friendliness.

When I was back there home.. I ran utorrent in my WinXp Pro Desktop and it was working really fine..but later i came to Germany I install uTorrent to my notebook but I encountered a browsing problem while utorrent running.. I could not even go to Google home page even when no torrent is downloading.. so when i browse the torrent client had to be stopped.

After googling for some time i found some fixes..(by Lowering net.max_halfopen to 4) ..yet I was not happy so i thought of trying something new.. I tried BitCommet..since its developed useing C++ and also light weighted, But I disliked its appearances.. So finally I thought of trying Azureus.. I have used Azureus for a short while in my Linux box when it was in its 2.x ages.. and it was looking good although it eats up alot of system memory.. well yeah Its a Java application I have to accept that fact..

So i downloaded and it said Vuze (Azureus 3.0)…. I installed it…And Now what the heck is this.. Its looking so colorful so bright having a Cristal bluish UI..and it was truly amazing.. What i did first is to go back to its download site and double check whether its the official Azureus Version.. and yeah no mistake there.. The new Azureus version is bundled with the Vuze Skin making the whole application very much eye catching.. While keeping all its old 2.x features the application is being more aimed on entertainment which is very nice and interesting. It almost forgets or makes its memory usage a minor problem.


So this post is not for the Loyal Azureus Users.. I know they already use this.. this post is for the people who are using other torrent clients.. I think its worthy to check the new Azureus.. !! and to decide whether it is the next generation P2P Application is all up to you…

Back once again !!!

well i guess am writing a post after June 13th (luckily the date is shown below..) ever since my last post loads of things or rather changers took place. My team lost in both imagine cup entries in the final round.. I don’t have to write about it allover again.. because you can get the full story in many blogs, appears in my blogroll.. I had my second year final exams.. and did it with out any preparation… and at last headed to Germany for my one year Internship… So here I am writing my 1st blog post after a while from Munich, Germany.
Things have changed ever since last June.. missing home alot.. My beloved friends & Family… anyhow am enjoying the work out here.. working in one of the software arms of BMW (F.A.S.T GmbH), developing location base applications for mobile phones using JAVA / J2ME.. work is pretty fun.. the main thing is the freedom i have in the company.. the work environment is truly amazing..

How fascinating the life is… few months ago i never had an idea in going abroad.. well i wanted a change.. wanted to go somewhere and work well..and experience a some new ness’.. but i ended up with a total new ness’ which i never dreamed before..

Just thought of writing something about me and the reason i couldn’t blog.. well this post is totally useless i know.. so am hoping to write something useful later today. So let me say welcome back…